Meet CSEA CHAPTER 399 Union Represent­atives to stay informed and get the most out of your union membership. Union Leaders and Site Represent­atives can answer questions and provide advice on how to make the most of your employment and union rights.

Chapter Executive Board

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Gabriel Herrera

Chapter President

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Krystle Casares

First Vice President

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Miguel Angel Juarez

Second Vice President

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Esperanza Amial Munguia

Chapter Secretary

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Lorena Gastelum

Chapter Treasurer

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Juan Ferraes

Communications Officer

Site Representatives

Every school in the Calexico School District has a field representative also known as Union Stewards to back you up and help you stay union strong.

School Name Representative Name
Blanche Charles Elementary
Calexico High School
Cesar Chavez Elementary
Dool Elementary
Enrique Camarena Junior High
Jefferson Elementary
Kennedy Gardens Elementary
Mains Elementary
Rockwood Elementary
William Moreno Junior High

Want to become a CSEA Union Steward?

The CSEA job steward is a vital representational link between bargaining unit employees, their union, and site-level management. If you are interested in becoming a CSEA Union Steward ask your Union representatives for more information.