Here is everything you need to know about your vacation benefits. You can find more information in the Calexico Unified School District’s Employee contract. (ARTICLE XIV).
*One (1) month before the end of school or the end of the fiscal year (whichever comes first) the District will provide all employees with vacation balances in order to be in compliance with the maximum allowable carryover vacation days.
Vacation Time-Off Rules
- Every employee in a permanent, probationary, restricted status or a permanent employee temporarily assigned to a provisional position shall earn vacation at the prescribed rate as part of his/ her compensation. Vacation shall be earned during a paid leave of absence.
- Earned vacation shall not become a vested right until the completion of the initial six months of employment.
- Classified employees who are employed on an hourly basis shall earn vacation at the ratio of their hours worked bear to eight (8) hours per day, forty (40) hours per week, weeks per month, or months to a calendar year.
- Employees with more than six (6) months of service who, either voluntarily or
involuntarily discontinued their employment with the District, shall be entitled to the unused vacation time they have earned and shall be granted vacation pay. Employees who terminate with less than six (6) months of service shall not be entitled to vacation pay. - Employees working less than a 12-month calendar will take their vacation during the winter and spring vacation periods consistent with the needs of the District. The remaining annual vacation leave shall be used during the year in which it is earned. In the event that vacation cannot be taken or is not granted by the employee’s supervisor, vacation days may be paid out at the end of the fiscal year in which they were earned. Vacation days in excess of the days that were paid out may be carried over for use in the following year. Employees working less than a 12-month calendar may accrue a maximum total of ten (10) vacation days. Prior to retirement, all vacations shall be used.
- Employees may have their vacation split, but no employee will be denied at least two weeks of his/her vacation to run consecutively during the prime time. Said prime time will be considered to be from March 1st through October 31st. This is not taken to mean that an employee will not be granted his/her full vacation at one time, provided the administration can see fit to approve it during the prime time.
- Vacation time shall be used during the year that it is earned. Vacation may, with the approval of the supervisor, be taken at any time during the school year. In the event that vacation cannot be taken or is not granted by the employee’s supervisor, a maximum of fifteen (15) days may be carried over for use in the next year. Prior to retirement, all vacation leave shall be used.
- Authorized paid holidays to occur in the period in which an employee is on paid vacation shall not be counted as vacation time. A period of illness occurring during a vacation period may not be construed as sick leave except as follows: Any employee may interrupt or terminate vacation leave in order to begin sick leave without returning to active service, provided, the employee notifies his/her supervisor within twenty-four (24) hours and subsequently provides a statement from his/her attending physician attesting to the illness and its duration.
- Vacation schedules shall be prepared by the administration with due regard to sections 6 and 7. Efforts shall be made to enable vacation to be taken at times convenient to the employee, consistent with the needs of the service and the workload of the department, with preference being given in seniority order.
- Unit members shall earn vacation on the following basis:

In Conclusion
As you can see, there are many rules for vacation time. This article is just to show you an overview of the rights and tools that we as CSEA employees can utilize to fight for your rights. Take a moment to review your contract.